IFE Branchenlösung Baumaschinen Vermietung

Die IFE Branchenlösung unterstützt Unternehmen bei sämtlichen Abläufen zur Vermietung und ist vollständig in Odoo eingebunden. Durch die nahtlose Integration wird ein perfektes Zusammenspiel v on Vermietprozessen und den Standardfunktionalitäten wie zum Beispiel Finanzbuchhaltung, Lagerwirtschaft und Verkauf erreicht.

Industry sectors

Rental of construction machinery
Rental of cranes and machines with operator and working time management
Rental of machines and tools
Rental of mobile accommodation
Rental of mobile toilet systems
Onshore and offshore oil and gas productionCars, RVs, boats, trailers, cameras, bicycles, e-bikes
Event rooms, holiday apartments, workspace
Event technology, film and television production, trade fair construction

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What does the IFE rental industry solution offer?

The rental industry solution further expands the inventory management and accounting of the Odoo business solution. Odoo, a fully integrated business software, serves as the basis that is optimally tailored to the needs of medium-sized companies. IFE Rental supports the affected companies with all processes for renting items directly in the office line and optimizes business processes using a variety of practical routines.
We rely on support and optimization of the entire company process, which must be taken into account when renting out rental items. Individual rental price and rental period models can be stored. Reservations, down payments and interim invoices, insurance, extensive reporting and a graphic planning for both individual devices and bulk items are part of the solution.

 Basic functions
 Management of rental items
Definition of rental price and rental period models
Optimization of the management of all rental processes

Online booking
Online booking and payment
Customer-specific prices also when booking online
Special offers, accessories, options
Sales and redemption of vouchers
Discount and marketing codes
Customer cards
Locations, multilingualism, different tax, rates
various pickup and shipping options
Easy integration into Odoo website or your previous website

Order processing
digital booking confirmation
digital rental agreement,
handover protocols, invoices
Reminder emails
Mobile handover, return and damage recording with customer
signature and photo documentation
Manual creation and change of bookings is easy and mobile
Use of QR codes

General Features
Create and manage locations and opening times
Inventory: easy creation, management, status changes
Price rules can be individually adjusted according to duration, seasons, times, etc., forming price classes
Disposition at item and item group level
Employees, roles and rights, tasks
Reporting, accounting exports
CRM functions
Warehousing and availability display
Carry out regularly scheduled maintenance so that the equipment remains certified and you can rent it out safely.
Manage equipment damage and bill your customers for it.
Make test reports available for all depots and thus simplify your warehouse management.
Get a complete picture of profitability by capturing an asset lifecycle history with all revenues and costs.
View documents centrally and significantly reduce your administrative workload.
Carry out cash accounting at the end of the day.
Use barcode readers to quickly process device data for your rental bookings, quotes and returns.
Equip your drivers with a cell phone or tablet so that they can use digital signatures as delivery documents.
Capture site visits, reports and photos as well as interactions with your prospects and customers.
Process sales inquiries and create tasks for other employees.
Get an overview of your new sales pipeline and analyze the reasons for lost orders.
Manage deliveries, pickups, exchanges and transfers between locations.
Improve your service planning with automated service intervals so that no maintenance is missed.
Drag & drop drivers to an optimized, planned route.
When carrying out maintenance work, create a proof of disposal.

Online bookings and payment - 85 languages available

Odoo • A picture with a caption

Reservation notice

Odoo • A picture with a caption

Odoo main modules