Accounting information - DATEV modules - GoBD module - expansion modules - group package - consolidation package
Odoo accounting is certified according to GoBD and IDW PS 880 (GoBD module required). Special accounting team with 8 business economists and 3 tax specialists
DATEV modules
Odoo export booking records to DATEV to other accounting systems such as Addison, Lexware, Agenda
Odoo export booking records to DATEV
also to other accounting systems such as Addison, Lexware and Agenda
The so-called standard export is a CSV file which contains the bookings in the appropriate table format so that they can be processed by DATEV and other accounting programs. The configuration of the ASCII export offers a variety of setting options:
- Consultant and client number
- Validation check of bookings for compliance with DATEV
- Extensive configuration of account master and tax code
- Selection of the export method between gross and net (without DATEV automatic)
- Grouping of booking lines with the same properties
- Setting the date format for other accounting systems
- Selection of standard journals
- Consideration of payment deadline and payment block
- Consideration of bank accounts and direct debit mandates
- Additional module for generating customer and vendor numbers (see below)
- Additional module for creating the ASCII master data export (see below)
- Bookings that have already been exported cannot be exported multiple times
- Extensive configuration options for the booking text
Export documents from Odoo to DATEV
Export of incoming and outgoing invoices as a ZIP file including receipt images for processing in DATEV Unternehmens Online.
With XML export, we offer you the option of exporting the incoming and outgoing invoices that were created and recorded in Odoo in a ZIP file. This file is then transferred to the DATEV data center with the document transfer, processed online with the company and made available to the tax advisor for retrieval in the law firm's accounting department. Export offers the following options:
- Separate or joint export of incoming and outgoing invoices
- Standard export without booking data for the use of DATEV text recognition
- Advanced export with booking data
- Grouping of invoice lines with the same properties
- Consideration of payment deadline and payment block
Import DATEV booking records to Odoo
also from other accounting systems such as Addison, Lexware and Agenda
The DATEV-ASCII import offers the possibility of importing any bookings from leading external accounting systems into Odoo. This module is usually used to import payroll bookings or bank bookings. The import offers a wide range of configuration options and can also process other imports in addition to the DATEV ASCII format. The only important thing at this point is that the file to be imported contains a column with debit/credit indicators.
- Free configuration of the import format (preconfigured for DATEV)
- Automatic comparison of the booking GUID to avoid double imports
- Automatic balancing of open items
Number generation of customer and vendor numbers.
The module offers the option of manually or automatically generating debtor and creditor numbers. Customer and supplier numbers can also be generated separately.
- Defining number ranges in the configuration
- Possibility to create financial accounts separately (not recommended)
- Possibility to create independent number ranges for customer and supplier numbers
- Automated generation can be set at
- Creation of master data
- Confirmation of customer or supplier order
- Create a draft customer or supplier invoice
- Possibility of transferring the customer or vendor number into the reference field in the master data
GoBD module - bank connection
GoBD conformity module with certification according to GoBD and IDW PS 880 (delivery with certificate from an auditor)
With this module, the Odoo Fibu is certified according to GoBD and IDW PS 880. This module improves the GoBD compliance of Odoo accounting. It allows booking records to be posted in accordance with the law and offers further improvements. All booking records receive a unique consecutive numbering and a hash value that prevents further manipulation. Bookings committed in this way cannot be reset to the draft from the time they are committed. Documentation is also included.
Section 238 Paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (HGB) Principles of proper accounting.
Bank connection
Odoo has connections to 5246 banks, including connections to 3570 banks in Germany:
Financial accounting extensions I
ELSTER connection
An app that enables electronic submission of tax returns directly from Odoo. The values from ongoing accounting are checked for plausibility and transmitted electronically to the tax authorities via the ERIC program interface. You no longer have to fill out forms or manually transfer the numbers from accounting to the Elster portal. You save time and avoid typos.
The corresponding transfer protocols are automatically stored and archived in Odoo.
Currently, the following tax returns are available for automatic electronic submission:
- Advance VAT return
- corrected advance VAT return
- Application for a permanent extension of the deadline
- Summary message
Automatic discount booking upon payment
Using our discount module, you will receive additional information about the discount information and deadlines provided for payment in the incoming and outgoing invoice overview. When the payments are created, these discount amounts are automatically taken into account and deducted from the payment amount. The booking is made automatically within the payment to the specified discount account.
The module is generally multicompany capable. Once installed, the features are available to every company. A separate configuration is maintained for each company created.
Prohibition of deletion of documents
In standard Odoo you can first archive documents and then delete them. This app prevents the last step so that documents can never be removed (but they can be archived).
Performance period
With the app you have the option of selecting the service period within the meaning of Section 14 Paragraph 4 No. 6 UStG when creating invoices in Odoo. You can choose whether the service period should appear on the invoice or a specific service time.
Various bookings.
Negative fixed assets
This app makes it possible to book negative fixed assets in Odoo. This option does not currently exist, but may be necessary, for example, for special items with a reserve share.
Special items with reserves are depreciated like fixed assets. Since these items are liabilities, they are written off to credit.
Partner number
This module allows contacts/partners to be linked via a new field with unique, sequential partner numbers. This makes it easy to assign and/or find the correct one. The partner number is linked to the respective partner across apps.
Reclassification of accounts payable and accounts receivable
A batch run that enables a reclassification of creditors and creditors at the end of each period.
For example, if there are unbalanced credit items in a collective account "Receivables LL", these are reclassified to two reclassification accounts "Receivables LL - Correction of creditors" and "Other liabilities - Creditors". The booking will be canceled the following day.
Finanzbuchhaltung Erweiterungen II
Inventory change batch
The inventory change batch uses an inventory change posting to evaluate inventory and automatically creates one or more postings. The time intervals can be selected and assessments can take place at the end of each period or even daily. Optionally, an evaluation “per product” or per “data slice” can also be carried out. It is also possible to book incoming goods and outgoing goods differently.
Possible applications
Individually adjustable evaluation of inventory levels.
Various inventory values should be displayed in the finance app. In ODOO, the user is now given two options with the options “automatic” and “manual”. Both options are very limited in their usability because the “automatic” function also creates a booking in the accounting for each individual warehouse booking, while if the “manual” option is selected, no further processes take place. The inventory change batch, on the other hand, offers the user Here are a few more options. For example, the valuations can be carried out per “data slice”. In this way, each warehouse can now be booked separately (also with different accounts). (Cost of Goods Sold - Goods Issue) within an overall cost method.
An app with which pre-calculated Excel templates can be uploaded directly to Odoo and their entries can be transferred to bookings (draft status). Reclassifications (short-term to long-term) can also be stored in Excel. A combination with the “types of movement” and the “circumstances” is also possible.
Possible applications
Repayment, reclassification and interest bookings for loans.
Can be used in combination with the “Movement Types” (important for indirect cash flow calculation) and “Circumstances” (important for clarity within accounting) apps.
Loans often generate hundreds of bookings over their life cycle. Repayments and interest (unless variable) are usually known from the start and the bank provides a calculation overview. This can be uploaded directly to Odoo using an Excel template, whereupon the app creates draft bookings for all future movements. With variable interest rates, the bookings created in advance can of course only serve as a template. Either you adjust them monthly or you smooth out the results annually. Whatever the case, the reduction in workload is significant.
Earnings accrual standard process – batch
A batch that solves an accounting problem that occurs in the Odoo standard, which arises from unequal posting times of sales invoices and goods issues or of incoming invoices and goods receipt. Known as a WERE account in other systems.
Possible applications
Incoming invoice posted, goods receipt pending; Goods receipt posted, incoming invoice outstanding; Outgoing invoice posted, goods issue pending; Goods issue posted, outgoing invoice outstanding.
Also distinguishes between external and intercompany issues.
In the Odoo standard, the accounting is always incorrect if the sales invoice and goods issue (the same applies to the purchasing page) do not occur at the same time. The basis of this error is that the time at which sales are recognized depends on the time at which the invoice is issued. However, this should correctly depend on the transfer of ownership, which usually takes place when the goods are dispatched. This app ensures that the P&L is correct even if the invoice and goods issue are not posted synchronously. In addition, it generates a report that shows the status on the POs and SOs ("delivered" and "billed") on a specific closing date. Posting the accrual itself takes less than a minute (the same applies to the goods receipt process).
Additional accounting entries when creating invoices
automatically Eine App, die eine ausführliche, filter- und gruppierbare Listenansicht aller Anlangen im Nebenbuch ermöglicht, inklusive aller Details wie Abschreibungsdauern, ausstehende Abschreibungen, Anschaffungsdatum, Abschreibungsmethode usw. Zudem werden Anlagennummern vergeben und es wird ein Bericht erzeugt, der Haupt- mit Nebenbuch vergleicht und eventuelle Differenzen aufzeigt.
Possible applications
Various additional bookings when invoicing.
A sales invoice is posted. Based on the stored product table, in which the product-specific warranty rates have already been defined, the warranty provision is now booked automatically via this extension.
Account description
A field in the posting frontend that contains a description text and appears whenever an account is selected.
Possible applications
Shows booking and account information. This is particularly applicable when the same processes are to be carried out across the group.
An accountant should be able to have a more detailed view of information about a respective account during the booking process. This information could, for example, include what should actually be posted or may be posted on the respective account. The relevant information, i.e. the account description, has already been stored in the account master data. As soon as he selects an account during the booking process, this description appears in an additional area below the booking entry.
Mandatory field cost center
Using “Mandatory field cost center” it is possible to specify for each account whether the entry of an analysis account is defined as a mandatory field when making a booking.
Possible applications
Various bookings, i.d.R. GuV-Buchungen.
You can also specify whether an analysis account is defined as a mandatory field for purchase or sales orders.
A booking is in draft form and can be saved as such even if an analysis account is not entered. However, if this booking is then to be validated and the analysis account has still not been entered, this will result in an error message.
Exchange accounts
If a bank account has a credit balance and a reclassification to liabilities must take place, the reclassification booking and cancellation will be made the following day via this app. It is also possible to define account groups, check them together and only start the reclassification process if the total balance of this bundle is negative.
Some accounts, such as bank accounts, can also have a credit balance instead of a debit balance on a closing date. This app transfers these positions to reclassification accounts via a batch run without making any changes to the actual account.
In addition to bill of exchange accounts, it is also possible to define entire bill of exchange account groups. For example, several input tax accounts can be created, which are only reclassified if the total balance of all accounts in the group has a credit.
Recurring bookings
A model that creates recurring bookings. Similar to depreciation in Odoo, a “repetition number” is defined. All future bookings are then created in draft and can be automatically converted into validated bookings.
Possible applications
Journal entries and incoming invoices.
A vehicle leasing fee is deducted every month. In order to create the corresponding open item, a permanent booking of this incoming invoice can be created, for example over the next 24 months. All recurring bookings are collected in a register and can therefore be managed clearly.
Documents - partner enrichment
In the Odoo standard, the partner is not automatically enriched for an invoice that is uploaded and created via the “Documents” app. This app closes the gap. This means you can easily filter for partners for all of these documents.
Possible applications
In the document app, an invoice is imported, validated and finally posted. The moment the invoice is posted in Odoo, the supplier/partner is known. The partner is now automatically set on the document itself.
Open items report
In Odoo there are two standard reports for displaying open items. We recommend the “Partner Account Statement” report (under the “Finances” menu item), as all filter and grouping functions are possible here using the usual list view.
However, the disadvantage of the Odoo standard reports is that they only show you the open items via “TODAY”. At an earlier deadline it is impossible to display the operations as they were back then (note: you can filter by date, but you will then receive WRONG results!).
In the ODOO standard there are only two reports “Overdue Receivables” and “Overdue Payables” for this option. Apart from the fact that the column selection is very limited here, you cannot, for example, display OP-managed general ledger accounts or see foreign currency amounts; it is actually only about due dates.
As an alternative, the open item report can be used. Visually almost identical to the "Partner Account Statement", you can also enter a historical date in a wizard and thus receive the OPs for the date.
Possible applications
Open items of receivables LL, liabilities LL, all "reconciliation accounts" in list format as of a specific date.
The open items should be displayed as of December 31, 2022, even though today's date is already February 3, 2023.
As in the standard report, you can then group/filter by debit and credit issues, by other reconciliation accounts, you can clear OPs, etc.
Additional acquisition costs when valued manually
In the Odoo standard it is not possible to activate additional acquisition costs (ANK) if the inventory valuation is set to "manual" (--> all goods movements do NOT generate a financial accounting posting). Freight costs, customs duties, etc. are therefore not included in the stock valuation (in the general ledger in the stock app = stock-valuation-layer). There is actually no justification for this technical restriction. The app enables the activation of the ANK. The app can/should be used in combination with the “Inventory Valuation” app.
Possible applications
Activation of additional acquisition costs if the product category in the "Inventory valuation" field is set to "manual".
In addition to the primary product costs, there are transportation costs. Using the “Add acquisition costs” function, these costs are added to the asset, which would subsequently lead to an inventory increase posting.
Advanced fixed assets
An app that provides a detailed, filterable and groupable list view of all assets in the subledger, including all details such as depreciation periods, outstanding depreciation, acquisition date, depreciation method, etc. In addition, asset numbers are assigned and a report is generated that compares the general ledger with the subledger and shows any differences.
It is also possible to combine the asset bookings with the movement types, so that a) more complex issues (e.g. "unscheduled depreciation") can be mapped and b) exports can be created for consolidation software such as Lucanet.
Possible applications
Asset accounting
Provisions for additional acquisition costs
If additional acquisition costs (ANK) for inventories are to be recorded promptly, you often run into the problem of a delayed receipt of the corresponding invoice. This app solves this problem by showing certain, previously defined additional acquisition costs with the invoice amount when the inventories are activated.
Possible applications
Simultaneous reporting of the invoice amount and incidental acquisition costs for inventories.
Before a corresponding invoice for freight/customs is received, the landed costs should be shown as expenses when purchasing a product, but not yet activated. Using this app, these expenses are initially posted to a reserve account. It is possible to specify a calculation sequence, which is always necessary when costs depend on other partial costs that have to be calculated beforehand. When the ANK invoice is received (later), it now only needs to be booked out against the reserve account and any differences must be cleared through profit or loss at the end of the period.
Fixed headings
With this app, similar to Excel, the header of a table (List View) is fixed so that it remains visible when scrolling down.
Corporate package
Types of movements and circumstances
Using the movement type module, every booking can be linked to a movement type. An evaluation is then carried out using the standard Odoo pivot function.
Possible applications
Types of movement for fixed assets as well as "movement mirrors" for loans, equity and provisions.
Facts enable a clearer categorization of bookings by linking each booking to a fact that corresponds to the respective topic. Confusing accounts or subledger accounting in Excel are now a thing of the past.
Possible applications: Addition of reserves, consumption of reserves, release of reserves, addition of assets, release of assets, release of assets, release of assets. Assets, liquidation of assets, liquidation of depreciation of assets, reclassification of assets, loan addition, loan repayment, loan addition interest, loan repayment interest and many others.
A matter with the description “WP-2022 Individual Financial Statements” is defined for the “Other Provisions” account. This fact can now be attached to any booking that has a thematic connection. Regardless of whether it is education, dissolution or even utilization. The result is a simple way to get an overview of “provisions per issue”.
Another possible application could be found in the “Loans” area: Instead of a separate general ledger account for each loan, only ONE collective account is created. A distinction is now made between the different loans simply based on the related facts.
The IC Collector enables an external incoming invoice to be divided among the subsidiaries of a group as soon as it is entered. This means that at the end of a period, outgoing invoices (in the clearing company) and draft incoming invoices (in the clearing company) can be created via a batch, which list all the collected invoice lines. The original PDFs are automatically attached. In addition, 100% automated account determination is possible, even with different account plans of the individual companies.
Possible applications
External incoming invoices, IC outgoing and incoming invoices, automated account determination.
A service invoice is sent to the headquarters of a group, even though the actual service recipients are one or more subsidiaries of this group. The invoice amounts received would now have to be marked and “charged on” to the respective subsidiaries at the end of the month, often with a lot of effort.
The IC Collector, however, enables the responsible accountant to mark these bookings as future relief and also to distribute them directly to the relevant subsidiaries. The additional, time-consuming work at the end of the month is completely eliminated because all other processes are now handled 100% automatically by starting the batch run.
Intercompany sign
Marks those partners in Odoo who are intercompany partners (affiliated companies/IC), i.e. group companies. This is subsequently necessary for the IC reconciliation and later also for the (legal) consolidation, at least if this is to be carried out automatically using the consolidation app or in software such as Lucanet or in Excel.
In addition, accounts can be defined as IC accounts, which in turn requires IC partners to be entered.
Possible applications
Group with relationships between the group companies if consolidation and/or intercompany coordination is desired.
If you enter an IC account in a booking line, only partners who are group companies can be added.
(Attention: in Odoo you can enter a partner in every booking line, regardless of whether it is a debtor/vendor account, an OP-managed general ledger account or a normal general ledger account)
Consolidation package
Integration with Odoo
The consolidation module obtains the necessary information directly from the finance database. Similar to the "Booking Lines" in the Finance app, there is the main table "Group Booking Lines" in the consolidation module. Data is aggregated or updated into monthly slices from the finance app using import buttons. A manual upload, e.g. from group companies outside of Odoo, is also possible using the standard Odoo import functions.
Group chart of accounts
Odoo always uses local charts of accounts for the individual country packages. Implementing group charts of accounts at individual company level is almost impossible or at least not recommended.
In order to still be able to use a uniform chart of accounts for consolidation and group reporting, a new field in the chart of accounts has been added to the Finance app, the “group account”. Here each local account is linked to a group account. The group chart of accounts is itself entered into the module and contains additional information such as: the group account type, which determines the conversion method, or group account tags for later reporting.
When data is imported from the individual companies, it is aggregated across the group accounts.
Currency conversion
In the first version of the consolidation module there is only one method of conversion:
- Balance sheet accounts (excluding equity accounts) at the closing rate
- Eigenkapitalkonten zum historischen Kurs
- P&L accounts at the monthly average rate (cumulative rate will follow in later versions
In the background, the currency conversion difference is also posted to special exchange rate difference accounts so that the balance sheet always amounts to zero. All positions are also converted in the background at the average monthly exchange rate, which in turn is relevant for determining the indirect cash flow calculation (later expansion stage).
IC reconciliation and elimination
IC reconciliation (or reconciliation of receivables/liabilities and expenses/income between the group companies) is an essential part of consolidation. In the first expansion stage there is a central IC coordination table. Here you can see the corresponding values for each partner combination and account. Any differences are automatically recorded in exchange rate difference accounts recognized in profit or loss.
If you are satisfied with the reconciliation, you can directly initiate the actual elimination and thus create consolidation postings.
Booking levels
As a standard, the raw data level and 3 assessment levels (HB1 to HB3) were integrated into the consolidation module as journals. This means you still have the option of rebooking or adjusting values in the local currency but outside of the local accounting.
For the consolidation itself, the standard journals are AEKO, SCHUKO, ZWERG, EK-Konso, Lat-Taxes, Other. Only the eliminations of the AEKO and SCHUKO levels are carried out automatically (however, additional manual bookings are possible).
As in the Finance App, the “Booking Lines” table serves as the base table in the consolidation module. In principle, everything can be filtered, grouped or pivoted here.
In addition to a consolidation monitor and various master data tables, there is also the so-called “Notestool” and the “Konsotool”. The Notes tool is similar to a totals and balances list. It shows all group accounts for all companies and all consolidation levels as well as the total values and group values. Changing the currency is also possible (to a limited extent).
The accounting tool, in turn, shows the final balance sheet and income statement structure in an aggregated and hierarchized view.
Even complex requirements can be implemented:
- DATEV import and export also for several clients, document transfer to DATEV
- GoBD conformity module with Odoo Fibu certification according to GoBD and IDW PS 880
- International accounting also according to IFRS for e.g. USA
- Automatic reading of over 5,000 banks several times a day
- Automatic posting of account statements with up to 95% hit rate via clearing rules
- Sales tax registration via ELSTER interface
- Execution of all booking incidents up to the annual closing
- Management of projects, locations, clients, cost centers, cost objects
- Budget management for projects, locations, clients and the entire company
- Multicompany facilities with different accounting and currencies
- Consolidation across multiple clients
- Connections to third-party accounting
- Connection to payroll accounting
- Accounting in the public sector (cameralistics)
- Automatic processing of supplier invoices (learning system)
- OSS one-stop shop, EU regulation
- Setting up foreign accounting
- IFRS accounting in Odoo with special IFRS reports
- Import and export of XRechnungen, ZUGFeRD & Factur-X invoices
Multidimensional cost accounting
Cost center, cost object, cost type, product 1, product 2, service 1, etc.
Budget management
Consolidate any number of mandates with different account frameworks and currencies